“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” Oprah Winfrey
We attempted to grow ranunculus this season for the first time, an epic fail. We have a few that have flourished but most, well didn’t, the picture tells the story.

I‘ll be frank, this set back hurt, bruised ego? absolutely!! loss of income sure but the planning, effort, money, time, and love that goes into growing flowers is significant.
Why did they fail? We have a few theories (from the quality of corms, the soil wasn’t worked enough prior to planting, I had problems managing the pH, also the area they were planted suffered some flooding from the above average rainfall we’ve had and continue to have this year). We have already made plans to do better next season.
When things go to plan the outcome is spectacular, big bold beautiful blooms the tip of the iceberg, what is often not recognised is the 90% of the iceberg that’s under water, which is the work, effort and resilience that this life requires. We have been through a lot in the last couple of years, and when I’m second guessing our current path, I reflect on the strength and resilience of my lovely partner and get up again.